Award Winning Book
1st Edition Mind Over Mood
Best selling / Award winning self-help book
With over one million copies in print, Mind Over Mood is widely used worldwide by consumers, therapists and researchers. Originally available in 23 languages. Teaches skills & principles used in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Recipient of many awards and was one of the top 10 most borrowed books in non-fiction (see details below). In print from 1995 until 2016 when the 2nd Edition was released.
Already Have the First Edition?
The Publisher has a page of Frequently Asked Questions that you may find useful. If you own a 1st edition, be assured that all the information, exercises and worksheets are still good. The 2nd Edition Mind Over Mood (MOM2) (2016) has expanded content, new chapters and over 60 worksheets.

There are no worksheets available online from the 1st edition.
Purchasers of Mind Over Mood, Second Edition can download the 60 step-by-step worksheets, and can them in onscreen before printing. Here is a select list of worksheets available for the 2nd edition of MOM on this website.
What is the book Mind Over Mood about?
Follow 4 people as they learn to change how they feel by changing the way they think. This self-help workbook is full of useful checklists, reminder boxes, worksheets and mood measures.
Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel By Changing the Way You Think (1st Edition) – 1995
Authors: Dennis Greenberger, PhD & Christine A. Padesky, PhD. Publisher: Guilford Press.
Excerpt from Wikipedia
– Excerpt from wikipedia.org (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guilford_Press)
The book Mind Over Mood by Dennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky was chosen for inclusion in the United Kingdom National Health Service’s bibliotherapy program, a selective list of proven self-help books that general practitioners, counselors, and community mental health specialists are encouraged to “prescribe” for patients with mild to moderate mental health concerns. The book was also voted by the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies as “the most influential cognitive behavioural therapy publication” and was recommended by Scientific American Mind.
Awards Received
- Rankings as an Amazon’s Best Seller. Amazon determines rankings (updated hourly) based on recent and historic sales as well as comparisons to similar items. See statistics at bottom of page.
- In 2002, the British Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapy named Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think the most influential cognitive therapy book of all time
- One of the most borrowed books in 2008 according to the Guardian Newspaper (United Kingdom). They listed it as #7 in their non fiction popularity poll
- A 2009 Self-Help Book of Merit Award recipient from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies

To earn the ABCT Self-Help Book Seal of Merit, a book must meet the following criteria:
- Employ cognitive and/or behavioral principles
- Discuss cognitive and/or behavioral principles or theories explicitly in text
- Have documented empirical support that lends support for the methods presented
- Include no suggestions or methods that are contraindicated by scientific evidence
- Present treatment methods that have consistent evidence for their effectiveness (books describing methods without a consistent track record of empirical support, or mixed evidence, would not be eligible)
- Be consistent with best practices
Reading Well Books on Prescription – a UK Program
Mind Over Mood is listed in the Reading Well Books on Prescription program in the United Kingdom. The books have all been recommended by health professionals and have been tried and tested by people with experience of living with the conditions. The program is “endorsed by health professionals and supported by public libraries.” They even provide a “core book list (links to pdf document) of accredited titles recommended by healthcare professionals that covers a range of common mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, phobias and eating disorders.”
1st Edition Mind Over Mood Book RANKINGS
Top 10 Most Borrowed Books in Non-fiction 2008
See article: The most borrowed books of 2008 (theguardian.com)

Rated a Best Seller by Amazon
(as of February 2, 2015)
- 4 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Mental Health > Compulsive Behavior
- 4 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Mental Health > Anxiety Disorders
- 4 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Mental Health > Mood Disorders
- 1,125 in Books of the approx 30 million total books on Amazon
- Average rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars from over 240 reviews on Amazon
Rated a Best Seller in Canada
(as of February 20, 2015 reported by the Toronto Star)
- Ranked #9 in Original non-fiction (2015)
- 8th week in the Top 10 Original non-fiction list (2015)
- Ranked #32 in Original non-fiction for the entire year 2013 – considered the year’s top 100 bestsellers
Spanish Edition Amazon Rankings
(data as of January 23, 2015 – applies to 1st edition)
- Since the 1st edition Spanish translation is now out of print, we are listing Amazon statistics from when the book was readily available to provide you a more accurate picture of the books sales activity than currently displays on the Amazon site
- 8 in Books > Libros en español > Ciencia > Ciencias de la Conducta Humana (Human Behavior Sciences)
- 23 in Books > Libros en español > Salud, mente y cuerpo > Salud Mental (Mental Health)
- Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars (total of 5 reviews). One reviewer stated: “For the Spanish-speaking population there are few tools that are as good as this book.”